Vancouver Critical Mass

Mostly event announcements, news, and bicycle related activist opinions...
Download Critical Mass flyers and posters, or upload your own
Email vancouvercm~AT~gmail~DOT~com for a posting password
Yes, we ride the last Friday of every month!


April 28th Critical Mass

April 28th Friday
The Last Friday of this Month
Critical Mass Roll them Rocks

5:30pm Gather 6pm Ride Together
Bicycle, Skate, Stroll, Push, Pull, Play
Leave from Vancouver Art Gallery, destination?
Costumes, Commuter, Public Space Celebration

Protestation vs. Highway Expansion Bluff Blowing up?
NO, there is alternatives:
"Cars are NOT the Future!"
--my engineering friend

Ride together, Ride Strong:
Plan for building up the June 30th Critical Massive
last year 1200+ riders... 20,000 +6 Wheels Ride?
Let's agree on planning meeting at this April Ride

Pre-CM-Rides: Are they still going on?
meet 4PM-ish Grandview Park on Commercial Drive
meet 4PM-ish UBC Bike Kitchen SUB Building 827-7333
then ride together to meet the main mass downtown

Pre-Friday Mass: Certainly is going on.
Thursday April the 27th
midnight mass bike ride.
meet up at Grandview Park at 11:45,
roll at midnight!


Post-Ride Dance Party
Friday April 28th
Velo Fusion, a celebration of Vancouver's vibrant bicycle community. Bike
Movies, Bicycle Burlesque, Dubfreque, Bands, Dj's, Improv, Dancing and more Dancing.
7:30 - 9 pm Bike Movies...
9pm - 2am (Lots of craziness)
#3 west 8th: The Anza club
Cost $6.oo 100% Fundraiser for
much needed Momentum Magazine.

- -- --o)

(exit 2 off of Highway 1)


harper=hitler;your national emergency

canada is going police state before your eyes in that patented sneaky
canadian style.NOW is the time to get OFF your 24/7 party and get it
together.the canadian middle class needs an effective wake-up call fron
CANADIAN progressives,they won't listen to americans on this particular issue.

things can,and probably will,slide very are MUCH LESS PREPARED
than you'all may believe! talk to first nations people and
"outgroups"a.s.a.p. and make as many alliances as you can as quickly as
possible!the nazis are about to RUMBLE and detect no effective

PLEASE remember the discomforts you'all felt because of me;THIS is what i
was warning you about back in the day.the evil experiments always begin
with poordisabledhomeless and go from there.the messenger is often seen as
51-50 and dismissed as what?you ARE IN DANGER!i'm BEGGING you to
drop the discomforts and PROTECT each other.forget about me and love
yourselves.bless you'all! barnett


*Please Note: The opinions of users posted here on the CM vancouver blog represent only themselves. Many may disagree. Barnett is a very sweet man who lives outside on the street and has a more dramatic way of writing things than you may be use to. Though you may not agree with all of his hyperbole, his viewpoint is valid and his different perspective is one we can all learn from.



Invito per Ciemmona06

Questo è un progetto strampalato direbbe qualcuno... Questa è pura utopia
organizzata, una visione di insieme per niente scontata. Il luogo è sempre
Roma, i ciclisti sono mondiali.

La Critical mass interplanetaria vuole vuole reinventare un nuovo modo di
organizzarsi e di stare nel mezzo senza per questo divenire oggetto di
qualche campagnia postelettorale..un'idea sulla strada per la strada, dai
ciclisti per i ciclisti ma non solo, La CM-ona vuole strillare contro un
sistema ormai al collasso, vuole portare la voce più "silenziosa" di tutte,
nel chiacchiericcio metropolitano.
sono anche giorni di incontri, dibattiti e appuntamenti sul tema ormai cosi
diffuso de "l'inquinamento", è una dimostrazione pratica di cosa si può
fare per cambiare radicalmente, è coscenza allo stato puro, libero, gassoso.

La Critical mass interplanetaria vuole essere sulla bocca di tutti, dal
ciclista critico organizzato, alla mamma con seggiolone periferico,
dall'associazione per la salvagurdia dei fiumi dei mari e dei laghi alla
più piccola realtà territoriale, è un appuntamento... anzi no! è qui e
ovunque ci sarà a maggio come a settembre o forse c'è sempre stata chi può

Una città libera dall' auto è UNA CITTA!


ci vediamo a ROMA

Mai vostro CaPOMeCCANicO

critical mass intergalactic! 2006

others info

Someone would say it is a strange project... it is pure organized utopia, a
global view not really ordinary. The place is always Rome, the cyclists
come from worldwide.
Interplanetary Critical Mass wants to re-invent a new way of getting
organized, of being in the center without being in the midst of a voting
campaign... an idea on the road, for the road, from cyclists for cyclists.
the CM-ona wants to cry out loud against a collapsing system, it gives
voice to the most silent of all, in this metropolitan chaos.
These are also days of encounters, of debates, and reunions on the
evergrowing theme of pollution nd quality of life in big cities like ours.

It is the practical demonstration of what can be achieved trough radical
change of view. it is conscience in its pure form, free, and gaseous.
Critical Mass is on the mouthes of everyone,from critical riders to the
mother with her baby chair, from the grassroots organizations taking care
of environment to the smallest advocacy groups, it is a rendez-vous…and
more !! it is here and now, and everywhere also, in may like in september,
maybe it will be for ever, who knows.

a city free from cars is a city!

kiss on bike



plan World Naked Bike Ride

Everybody invited to this meeting.

Planning meeting for the World Naked Bike Ride:

Tuesday 8pm. Soma coffee shop. Corner of Main and Broadway.

We expect over a 100 cities to participate in this years World Naked Bike
Ride. Please help make this event bigger than ever before in Vancouver by
coming to a meeting this Tuesday.

For more info on the event please visit

Leisurely Yours
604 ->537...2044

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